Saturday 3 October 2009


6 October: Deadline for Save Lantau Campaign 10 十月六號-支持保護大嶼山行動

Over 1,000 support the Save Lantau Campaign
More than 1,000 people have submitted objections to the Government's plans for the border crossing facilities and roads linking the Hong Kong-Zhuhai-Macao Bridge. They are calling for the roads to be moved north of the airport island, away from the Tung Chung residents. 超過1,000名支持者已經提交反對信, 反對關於港珠澳大橋香港口岸及港珠澳大橋香港接線的政府方案。他們強烈要求將香港接線更改到機場島以北, 遠離東涌民居。

Sign the SECOND objection - Deadline 6 October
於10月6日或之前, 作出第二次反對簽署
The project has been split up. The first gazette notices set out the reclamation and re-zoning. The second notices set out the actual road works. Click here to use the electronic form to submit your objections to the alignment of the roads, and to support the alternative proposal - before mid night, 6 October 2009. 整項工程被分割成多個部份。第一個憲報公告提出填海及規劃, 第二個憲報公告就設定實際的道路工程。請登入網上填寫及提交表格, 反對政府的道路規劃及支持社區的建議方案 請於106日或之前提交

Government's plan has three main drawbacks

12.4km road from the bridge to the Border Crossing Facility will ruin natural coast and the scenic hike between Tung Chung and Tai O.
A 12.4 kilometer long six lane road will damage the natural coast of Lantau Island and degrade the coastal hiking route from Tung Chung to Tai O. It will also destroy 2 kilometers of coastal protection area, the last remaining natural shoreline of Chep Lap Kok Island. 香港境內至口岸的接線長度達12.4公里, 破壞天然的海岸線, 而東涌至大澳遠足路段的秀麗風景亦受到影響: 一條長達12.4公里的6條行車線將會破壞大嶼山的天然海岸線及令到東涌至大澳遠足路段的景緻失色。同時亦會破壞2公里的海岸保育區及僅存的赤鱲角海岸線。

24 hours a day light, air and noise pollution for Tung Chung residents. Within 20 years the road will carry more than 50,000 vehicles a day, or one car every two seconds, right in front of the Tung Chung, Fu Tung, Ma Wan and Yat Tung residents. A border crossing facility of 130ha with its noise, air and light pollution will be located less than a kilometer from the new Tung Chung Town Extensions. 東涌居民需全日24小時承受光害、噪音及空氣汚染: 根據港府在2009430提供的數據,「20年內,香港接線每日車流量將超過50,000輛,最高時速達100公里」,照此計算,東涌、富東、馬灣及逸東的居民每兩秒鐘就會看到一輛汽車經過。

Large reclamations and an elevated road in front of Lantau. 267ha reclamation will be created for the border crossing facilities and a long elevated road will be built on hundreds of pillars which will be an eyesore and severely affect marine life. 犧牲天然海岸線:六車道(雙向三車道及每邊一條緊急車道)的香港接線,將破壞大嶼山的天然海岸線,並進一步摧毀赤臘角剩餘的天然海岸。香港口岸涉及大面積的267公頃填海,極可能嚴重改變海岸水流,影響海岸環境生態

Support the community proposal - A better option for all.

Moving roads 5km away from residents, and protecting natural coast lines. By moving the roads to the north of the airport island, the air and noise pollution will be dispersed before reaching the Tung Chung/Fu Tung/Ma Wan/Yat Tung homes, and the natural coast lines of Lantau and Chep Lap Kok will be saved. 污染遠離民居,維持社區景觀:24小時運作的香港口岸改到機場島西面,並且將連接路置於遠離居民5公里之處,即使建造費用可能稍為提高,但可大幅減低對東涌富東馬灣逸東邨居民的空氣及噪音污染

Short road from HK SAR boundary to Border Crossing Facility. By placing the border crossing facilities on the west, the secure road can be dramatically reduced in length from 12.4 to 4.7km. 縮短連接路:將香港口岸重置在機場島以西,使香港境內至口岸的接線長度從12.4公里大幅縮減至4.7公里,並可更善用橫貫機場客運站的自動列車運輸。

Moving the border crossing out of sight for residents. By placing the facilities on the west of the airport island, existing and future residents of North Lantau will no longer be disturbed by the 24-hour border operations. 保護天然海岸線:將香港口岸改到機場島以西,使大嶼山和赤臘角的天然海岸線景觀得以保留。北大嶼山之居民亦無需受到24小時的滋擾。

1,000 Campaign Supporters include: 1,000位行動支持者包括:

Tung Chung Sustainable Development Alliance東涌可持續發展聯盟

Designing Hong Kong創建香港


Green Lantau Association綠色大嶼山協會

The Professional Commons公共專業聯盟

Clear the Air爭氣行動

Association for Geoconservation Hong Kong香港地貌岩石保育協會


HK Mountain Bike Association香港爬山單車協會


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