Wednesday 15 July 2009


Say NO to government plan NOW

Say NO to government plan!

Click here NOW to send letter to Director of Lands and the Town Planning Board before 12 August 2009!

Tuesday 14 July 2009


守護社區 遷址減少環境影響 | Protect the community and the environment (Press Release)

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守護社區  遷址減少環境影響




保護天然海岸線:將香港接線改到機場島以北,使大嶼山和赤鱲角的天然海岸線景觀得以保留。污染遠離民居,維持社區景觀:將24小時運作的香港口岸改到機場島西面,並且將連接路置於遠離居民5公里之處,即使建造費用可能稍為提高,但可大幅減低對東涌 / 富東 / 馬灣 / 逸東邨居民的空氣及噪音污染。



支持上述更合理的社區建議方案,可發送電郵至,將會獲得資訊,使你的聲音直達政府及城市規劃委 員會。你的捐款有助我們守護社區,支票抬頭請 Designing Hong Kong Limited,寄往香港恩平道28號嘉蘭中心25樓收。請於信封上註明「保護大嶼山廣告」。 詳情請登入「保護大嶼山」專區。

Press Release
Protect the community and the environment
Support a better way to link the Hong Kong-Zhuhai-Macao Bridge with Hong Kong.

Government proposal - Three main drawbacks.

12.4km road from HK SAR boundary to Border Crossing Facility: A 12.4 kilometer long six lane road (dual three lanes with an emergency lane on each side) will severely damage the natural coast of Lantau Island and forever degrade the coastal hiking route from Tung Chung to Tai O. It will also destroy 2 kilometers of coastal protection area, the last remaining natural shoreline of Chep Lap Kok island.

24 hours a day light, air and noise pollution: As quoted in the sponsored feature from the HK government on 30 April 2009, “within 20 years the road will carry more than 50,000 vehicles a day at speeds of up to 100km/h”, which is one car every two seconds, right in front of the Tung Chung, Fu Tung, Ma Wan and Yat Tung residents. A border crossing facility of 130ha with its noise, air and light pollution will be located less than a kilometer from the new Tung Chung Town Extensions.

Large reclamations and an elevated road in front of Lantau: 267ha reclamation will be created for the border crossing facilities and a long elevated road will be built on hundreds of pillars which will be an eyesore and severely affect marine life.

Alternative community proposal - A better option for all.

Short road from HK SAR boundary to Border Crossing Facility: By placing the border crossing facilities on the west, the secure road can be dramatically reduced in length from 12.4 to 4.7km.

Moving roads 5km away from residents, and protecting natural coast lines: By moving the roads to the north of the airport island, the air and noise pollution will be dispersed before reaching the Tung Chung/Fu Tung/Ma Wan/Yat Tung homes, and the natural coast lines of Lantau and
Chep Lap Kok will be saved.

Moving the border crossing out of sight for residents: By placing the facilities on the west of the airport island, existing and future residents of North Lantau will no longer be disturbed by the 24-hour border operations.

We urge the government to listen to the community, and not to create unnecessary hurdle because of top- down decision-making, which may lead to further project delay. Co-signatories:
What You Can Do for a Better Hong Kong!
Do you support the alternative proposal for roads to Hong Kong? Send an email to '' and you will receive instructions on how to ensure that your voice is heard by the Town Planning Board and the Government.
Share the cost of advertising the community proposal! Send a cheque payable to ‘Designing Hong Kong Limited’, 25/f Caroline Centre, 28 Yun Ping Road, Hong Kong. Mark the envelop ‘Save Lantau Advertisement’.
For more information, visit ‘Save Lantau’ on

Sunday 12 July 2009


邀請出席聯合記者招待會 | Joint Press Invitation

2009年7月14日 中午12時30分
藝穗會 香港中環下亞厘畢道2號
多個團體聯合召開記者招待會, 呼籲政府更改港珠澳大橋香港口岸選址, 並提出建議方案。

A Better Road for Hong Kong
14 July 2009 12:30pm
Fringe Club, 2 Lower Albert Road Central
A joint press conference will be held by several organizations to the design of the link roads and border crossing facilities related to the Hong Kong-Zhuhai-Macao Bridge, and propose alternative solutions.

如有任何疑問請與馬小姐聯絡: 29238688 或93549991
For more information, please contact Terry Ma at 2923 8688 or 9354 9991, or

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